On The Radio er fra 2009. Et nummer som bringer en masse gode minder med sig. Det er skrevet sammen med en del andre numre til albummet On The Other Hand, som jeg indspillede med akustisk guitar og mundharpe i Ark Studio i Brønshøj. Nummeret blev droppet i sidste øjeblik, da det ikke passede ind i den Dylan-agtige folk atmosfære på pladen. 2024 versionen er med fuldt orkester.
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Har du brug for musik til din fest eller i din café, er du meget velkommen til at kontakte mig.
Jeg sørger for en hyggelig og rar stemning med velkendte numre fra 70´erne og 80´erne. Jeg præsenterer dem også gerne i mere direkte koncertform hvor jeg fortæller lidt om baggrunden for hvert enkelt nummer
3 januar, kl. 18:00 | Café Kyst - Karrebæksminde |
9 januar, kl. 18:00 | Café Kyst - Karrebæksminde |
25 januar, kl. 19:00 | Café Oliver - Næstved |
15 februar, kl. 19:00 | Café Oliver - Næstved |
22 februar, kl. 19:00 | Café Oliver - Næstved |
Jeg spiller en del af mine egne sange - find teksterne her
Jeg glæder mig til at få lov til at præsentere en stor håndfuld af mine favoritsange Det er sange som betyder meget for mig, og som på en eller anden måde har fulgt mig igennem årene, og lejlighedsvis er dukket op i forskellige sammenhænge. Sange fra The Beatles, 10CC, Paul McCartney og Wings, Supertramp, Steve Miller, David Bowie, Sting, Elton John og mange flere. Netop disse kunstnere var en fast del af min pladesamling igennem 70´erne og 80´erne. Nu fortolker jeg deres sange akustisk i nye arrangementer. Mine egne sange er også på repertoiret
Jeg har spillet siden begyndelsen af 80´erne. Bl.a. med Beatles show bandet Daytripper. Turnéer og pladeudgivelser med N´City Blues, Torben Kaas solo og The New Cadillacs. Jeg spiller kontrabas i jazzbands som Hot Club Gypsy, JazzTour, Swing Fever og Cheese Cake. Jeg bor i Bisserup på Vest Sjælland.
Abracadabra - Amber blue - Bluebird - Breakfast in America - Brown eyed girl - Daniel - Downstream - Down under - Dreadlock holiday - Dream a little dream of me - Easy - Englishman in New York - Every breath you take - Give a little bit - Hungry heart - Imagine - I shot the sheriff - It´s probably me - Jet -Just a gigolo -Just the way you are - Kingston Town - Let´s dance -Listen to what the man said -Loosing my religion -Love is in the air -Magneto and Titanium man -Moon over Bourbon Street -Mrs. Robinson - Mrs. Vandebilt -My baby´s request -My first my last my everything - No woman no cry - On the radio -One - Silly love songs - So bad - Stand by me - Sultans of swing - Sun is shining - Take it away - The joker- Walk on the wild side - Western star - When I saw her standing there - Who`ll stop the rain - Your song
On the radio - music/lyrics by Torben Kaas
Holiday in the sand
I´m gonna get me a nice tan
Kick off my shoes and listen to the wind blow
While they´re playing my songs
On the radio
I was riding with the king
He opened the door and let me in, he said
I´ve got something for you my friend
Mighty glad
To see you again
B :
Count me in, don´t count me out
I aint gonna quit
I remember everything
Every little bit like
Holiday in the sand
I´m gonna get me a nice tan
Kick off my shoes and listen to the wind blow
While they´re playing my songs
On the radio
Holiday in the sand
I´m gonna get me a nice tan
Kick off my shoes and listen to the wind blow
While they´re playing my songs
On the radio
While they´re playing my songs
On the radio
Western star - music/lyrics by Torben Kaas
He´s still around
that old cowboy
in his high heal boot
and a gun that shoots in the air
his fingers play
all the old songs
and he knows them well
so you can tell by the look in his eye
he´s a western star
In my hometown
He´s been riding
I remember
When he first came out of nowhere
And he´s still around
Like a shadow
In his high heal boot
He´s got the looks of a western star
B :
He saw the man with the black shirt come
I saw the man with the black shirt go
Then he told me that he was the one
And he looked at me and said
Don´t you ever forget
Then he rode into the fading night
He´s western star
A real time western star
He´s western star
A real time western star
Amber blue - music/lyrics by Torben Kaas
A perfect day like any day
When you´re around
I tremble as I see you
in the glow
We walk a while and then we sit
Without a sound
To contemplate the moonlight
In the snow
B :
And then we both feel a moment of bliss
As we´re moved
By magic of
A kiss then our lives seam to
Fade into something new
Like amber blue
B2 :
And then we both feel a moment of bliss
As we´re moved
By magic of
A kiss till we miss every
Sense of the world we once knew
In amber blue
a perfect day there´s really nothing
more to say